CSc 472 / I0500
Computer Graphics

Course description

This course is an intensive introduction to computer graphics intended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. This subject forms the basis of high-quality rendering as used in scientific visualization, simulation, and entertainment applications. You will learn about well-known computer graphics topics, including

Course goals


Sample code

Homework submission


1: 1/30/24 Introduction, history CSc472-01-Introduction.pdf
2: 2/1/24 Image Formation, graphics pipeline CSc472-02-OpenGLAPI.pdf
3: 2/6/24 API background, evolution of OpenGL Homework 1 is due on 2/29/24 CSc472-03-OpenGLPipeline.pdf
4: 2/8/24 Programming with Qt Qt information for homeworks CSc472-04-Qt.pdf
5: 2/13/24 Programming with Legacy OpenGL CSc472-05-LegacyOpenGL.pdf
6: 2/15/24 Programming with Legacy OpenGL (contd)
7: 2/20/24 Shaders and GLSL CSc472-06-ShadersGLSL.pdf
8: 2/27/23 Shaders and GLSL (contd) Homework 2 is due on 3/14/24
10: 2/29/24 Geometry CSc472-07-Geometry.pdf
11: 3/5/24 Geometry (contd)
12: 3/7/24 Transformations Homework 1 grades CSc472-08-Transformations.pdf transformations.pdf
13: 3/12/24 Transformations (contd)
14: 3/14/24 Computer Viewing CSc472-09-Viewing.pdf
15: 3/19/24 Managing 3D Graphics Data Homework 3 is due on 4/9/24 CSc472-10-DataManagement.pdf
16: 3/21/24 Midterm review
17: 3/26/24 Midterm
18: 3/28/24 Texture Mapping CSc472-11-TextureMapping.pdf
19: 4/2/24 3D Models Homework 2 grades CSc472-12-3DModels.pdf
20: 4/4/24 Illumination and Shading Midterm grades CSc472-13-Shading.pdf shading.pdf
21: 4/9/24 Shading in OpenGL Homework 4 is due on 5/2/24 CSc472-14-ShadingOpenGL.pdf
22: 4/11/24 Midterm Solution Review Homework 3 grades
23: 4/16/24 Shadows CSc472-15-Shadows.pdf
24: 4/18/24 Curves and Surfaces CSc472-16-CurvesSurfaces.pdf
25: 5/2/24 Cubic Curves CSc472-17-CubicCurves.pdf
26: 5/7/24 Cubic Curves (contd) curves.pdf
27: 5/9/24 Interpolating Cubic Splines Homework 4 grades splines.pdf
28: 5/14/24 Final Review


Professor George Wolberg
Office Hours: Tuesday, 1:00pm-2:00pm, Room NAC 8/202G

Teaching Assistant

Siavash Zokai
Office Hours: By appointment, online


Required Textbook

Supplemental Notes

Supplemental Videos


Your final grade is computed as a weighted sum of the programming projects, a midterm exam, and a final exam.