of Nelly Fazio

    Nelly Fazio, Ph.D.
    Associate Professor
    City University of New York (CUNY)

    The City College of New York
    Department of Computer Science
    and CAISS Center
The Graduate Center
Department of Computer Science

    Brief Bio     Contact Info

The Graduate Center Crypto Group (GCCG)

Research Interests:

My research interests are in cryptography and information security.
My research publications are available online.
See also my DBLP entry and my Google Scholar profile.

Research Funding:

My research is funded in part by an NSF CAREER award and other grants by
the National Science Foundation, by the U.S. Army Research Laboratory and the
U.K. Ministry of Defence, by a CUNY CIRG award and two PSC-CUNY awards.
The support of the respective funding agencies is gratefully acknowledged.


Dissertation Advising:

Undergraduate Advising:

Current Teaching:

Previous Teaching:

Professional Activities:

Conference Organizer:

Program Committee Member:

Journal Reviewer:

Tutorial Organizer & Speaker:

Contact Information:

Mailing address:
Department of Computer Science
The City College of New York
160 Convent Ave, NAC 8/206
New York, NY 10031
@ City College:
nfazio [at] ccny [dot] cuny [dot] edu
Room: NAC 8/201
Phone: (212) 650-5151
@ Graduate Center:
nfazio [at] gc [dot] cuny [dot] edu
365 Fifth Avenue, Room 4411

Copyright © Nelly Fazio