Zheng Peng

Assistant Professor
Computer Science

Underwater Wireless Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks

Network Optimization and Protocol Design

Embedded Systems and Operating Systems

WUWNet mailing list adjustments

The WUWNet mailing list is dedicated for making important announcements, presenting the state of art research, exchanging ideas and experiences, and facilitating interactions and collaborations. As the mailing list administrator, I made several adjustments to the list, based on recent feedbacks from subscribers.

To provide better user experience, steps are being taken to reduce the types of messages that can be sent to avoid unnecessary “broadcast storm”. As suggested by Dr. Ryan Kastner, instead of automatically sending messages to the subscribers, the mailing list will first forward the messages to a moderator for approval. This way, if a user mistakenly sent a message to our mailing list, like what happened to Mr. Jim Teague a few days ago, the moderator would be able to prevent the message from being distributed to all the subscribers. In addition, to prevent users from accidentally replying to the whole list, we are also making changes so that replies will go to the original sender.

When implementing the new adjustments, we will appoint two primary moderators to minimize potential delays associated with the new moderator-approval method. One moderator will be in the US and one in Asia (12 hours in time difference). They will work actively for the mailing list and reduce message delay to minimal. In addition, we will have two "back-up" moderators so when any of the primary moderators are not available (e.g. on travel), they will be able to look after the mailing list on behalf of the primary moderators.

The moderators will never block any messages related to the underwater networking and system community. In fact, one purpose of setting up the mailing list and maintaining it is to encourage interactions and collaborations.

Hope these adjustments will make the mailing list a better place for reaching to the underwater networks and systems community.

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