Zheng Peng

Assistant Professor
Computer Science

Underwater Wireless Networks

Wireless Sensor Networks

Network Optimization and Protocol Design

Embedded Systems and Operating Systems

Attended IEEE SECON'14

From June 30 to July 3, I attended IEEE SECON'14 as a session chair and presented my recent work on cognitive acoustics. This year's SECON is hosted by the National University of Singapore. Singapore is a very clean and beautiful city. I had great conversations with researchers and engineers all over the world, such as Prof. Chen-Khong Tham (ECE NUS), Prof. Mun-Choon Chan (CS NUS), Fred Bauer (Cisco), Nancy Cam-Winget (Cisco), just to name a few.

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Opening Remarks of WUWNet'18
December 02 2018
Dr. Peng is going to give an opening remark at ...
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