CS 343 Computer Organization and Design Laboratory
Fall 2010
Introduction to FPLD technology, logic synthesis, and rapid
prototyping of digital systems using commercial CAD tools. Topics:Programmable
Logic Technology. Sequential Design and Hierarchy. Synthesis of Digital
Hardware using VHDL. State Machine Design, CPU Controller. A Simple Processor
Design. Video Graphics Adapter(VGA) video display generation. Design PS/2
Keyboard interface. Design of PS/2 Mouse interface. Synthesis of a RISC
processor as covered in CSc 34200. Students are required to prepare written
reports and demonstrate their design.
and Schedule Lecture 3, Credit 3(CS342) , Laboratory (CS
343) 3, Credit 1
Semester Meeting
Type Days Time Location Dates
Fall 2010 Lecture
(CS 342) M,W
– 6:15 PM NAC 5-109 Aug.
28 – Dec. 16
Fall 2010 Laboratory
(CS 343) Friday 10:15–
1:15 PM NAC 5-103 Aug.
28 – Dec. 16
Prerequisites Required: CS 210.
Corequisites CS
This is a hands-on course. It complements the material
covered in a corequisite CS342 course. The
labs will introduce you to the use
of commercial computer-aided design tools ModelSim, Quartus to design,
simulate, and to perform functional and timing verification of digital circuits,
and eventually program FPGA devices.
Course Audience
This is a core course for Computer Science and Computer Engineering majors. The students are expected to have little experience in assembly language and logic design.
Technology and
Tools Used In This Course
· Microsoft Windows
XP, Vista (operating system used
in the laboratory)
· LINUX (operating
system used in the laboratory)
· ModelSim-Altera Edition (for simulating all FPGA designs)
design entry,simulation and
programming FPGA devices)
· Altera®
DE2 development and education board (for testing your
Name Office Phone Email
Address Office
Izidor Gertner
NAC 8-202F 212-650-6173 csicg@cs.ccny.cuny.edu M,W
4:00-5:00 PM
Name Office Phone Email
Address Office
Steven Medina
NAC 7-103 212-650-5552 smedina1984@hotmail.com M,W
4:00-5:00 PM
Required Textbook
Michael D., Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems, 4th
edition, Publisher: Springer, 2007
Recommended References
Laboratory projects
Students design, simulate and verify the
correctness of digital circuits using ModelSim and Quatrus CAD tools. Students have to test their designs on
a FPGA device and prepare a demo and a report.
Specific projects:
1. Adders: These adders include
half-adders, full-adders
1.1 Then students design
an Overflow Detection circuit
2. Memory Elements design: The purpose
of this lab is to investigate Latches, Flip-Flops, and
Registers and their timing.
3. Finite State
Machine design: The purpose of this lab is implement a FSM that recognizes two
specific sequences at the
4. Clocks and Timers: implement 3-digit
BCD counter using real-time clock.
Multipliers: Design a circuit to implement multiplication algorithm
6. Memory: use as megacore memory block
to store and retrieve values.
7. Simple Processor: In this lab, the students design a simple
processor. This processor must
Grading Policy:
To get a 100%
grade in the lab All projects have to be completed + Detailed reports.
Proper reporting
is essential to get a 100% grade.
Each report should contain the following
o Objective,
o Source
o Explanations and Screen shots + Pictures of the DE-2 board
with the display,
o Conclusions.
The display
should demonstrate that your design works on the board!
If your report
is not in a proper form and it does not prove that your design works on the
board - you will get partial credit (reduced grade).