Nelly Fazio
Ph.D. Thesis Abstract (New York University, 2006)
Title: On Cryptographic Techniques for Digital Rights Management
Advisor: Prof. Yevgeniy Dodis
.pdf file.
With more and more content being produced, distributed, and
ultimately rendered and consumed in digital form, devising
effective Content Protection mechanisms and building
satisfactory Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems have
become top priorities for the Publishing and Entertaining
To help tackle this challenge, several cryptographic
primitives and constructions have been proposed, including
mechanisms to securely distribute data over a unidirectional
insecure channel (Broadcast Encryption), schemes in which
leakage of cryptographic keys can be traced back to the
leaker (Traitor Tracing), and techniques to combine
revocation and tracing capabilities (Trace-and-Revoke
In this thesis, we present several original constructions
of the above primitives, which improve upon existing
DRM-enabling cryptographic primitives along the following
two directions:
Widening their scope of applicability e.g.,
by considering models taking into accounts usability
issues typical of the DRM setting; and
Strengthening their security guarantees to higher levels
that are standards, for example, in the case of stand-alone
Our results along the first line of work include the following:
An efficient public-key broadcast encryption scheme, which
allows mutually mistrusting content providers to leverage
a common delivery infrastructure, and can cope with
low-end, stateless receivers;
A traitor tracing scheme with optimal transmission rate,
in which encryption does not cause a blow-up in the size
of the content, thus allowing for optimal utilization of
the broadcast channel;
A public-key tracing and revoking scheme that can deal
with both server-side and client-side scalability issues,
while preserving traceability.
As for the second direction, our contribution can be divided
as follows:
A forward-secure public-key broadcast encryption scheme,
in which the unauthorized access resulting from cracking a
user-key is constrained to a minimal time frame which is
delimited, in the future, by the revocation mechanism, and
in the past, by forward secrecy;
A precise formalization of the notion of adaptive
chosen-ciphertext security for public-key broadcast
encryption schemes, along with a modular and efficient
Overall, the cryptographic tools developed in this thesis
provide more flexibility and more security than existing
solutions, and thus offer a better match for the challenges
of the DRM setting.
Copyright © Nelly Fazio